Our day is divided into
times of solitude and silence;
private and communal prayer,
of work and recreation.
"Every religous should be a witness to God's supremacy, and every day devote a sufficient length of time in communion with the Lord to tell Him of her love and above all, to let herself be loved by Him." Pope John Paul II

"The Church expectantly asks all Theresian Monasteries to enter deeply into the mystery of contemplative prayer and to offer an exemplary witness to it among God's people." from homily given by Pope John Paul II in Avila

Prayer is a door that opens up into the
mystery of God and at the same time
a means of communing with Him.
It actuates a personal relationship with
Christ present in the very depths of our being.

Along with living out a personal relationship with the Lord, we have a call to be members of His own "People of God", consecrated to the Lord. It is a life "deeply rooted in the example and teaching of Christ; a gift of God the Father to His Church through the Holy Spirit. By Profession of the evangelical counsels (the characteristic features of Jesus - the chaste, poor and obedient one - are made constantly visible in the midst of the world and the eyes of the faithful are directed toward the mystery of the Kindgom of God already at work in history, even as it awaits it's full realization in heaven." Vita Consecrata (p11)

Another aspect of our life of prayer is our coming together to pray the Divine Office throughout the day.
The daily Eucharistic Liturgy is the focal point of our life:

"... Liturgy... it is the place and privileged means for celebration in the name of the Church, in adoration, joy and thanksgiving, the work of salvation wrought by Christ..." cf. DIRECTIVES ON FORMATION IN RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES, #77

St. Teresa's definition of prayer is "a friendship with the One who we know loves us." Prayer is a friendship, a permanent relationship with Someone.

The way Teresa teaches a person to pray is to tell them to "open themselves to the friendship of Jesus as the most beautiful thing in the world." cf. Maximiliano Herraiz Garcia, ocd
"St. Teresa's essential message in the book of her Life and in the Interior Castle is about relationship. You will find in her writings no exhortation to take on this practice or that, say this prayer or the other. Her whole spirituality consists in the relationship that exists between God and the person, and the expression of this is left to the creativity of the Nuns. Her one exhortation is to be alone with Him alone." cf. Maximilliano Herraiz Garcia, ocd

Between Teresa and John of the Cross, our two founders, there was an ebb and flow in the relationship of teacher and disciple. It is by their charism and example that they light the fire within us to follow Jesus our living Gospel, our "Living Book" in today's world.

Teresa says of Fray Juan: "He is indeed the father of my soul, and one of those to whom it does me most good to converse."

In his being, living, speaking and writing, John displays a luminous and persuasive charism. Coming in contact with him, we do not feel a distance. He is present, he lives here and now; it seems we hear him speak and sing..." i.e. GOD SPEAKS IN THE NIGHT

It is somehow through prayer that we hear the call of Jesus to come follow Him...

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